Friday, December 28, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Japanese children also receive presents from their parents and Santa, but they are not placed under a Christmas tree. After all, most Japanese homes have no room for a tree! (We made room for our American tree, which was frozen and shipped from Washington State.) Instead, gifts are usually placed near the child's pillow as they sleep. (I suspect this is the rate-limiting factor when Santa decides what to deliver. That leaves mostly small, sleek--probably Japanese--electronics. Actually, that is what Santa brought me this year!)
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
With less than two weeks till Christmas, my sister Laura sent me this photo of herself in Iraq with Santa--hardly a scene I'd imagined for Baghdad. Especially when she tells me she must carry her weapon and wear 30 pounds of body armor when she leaves the small "base."
For those who don't know, my sister Laura's a federal agent and works for the Air Force as a civilian. She was deployed to Iraq right after Thanksgiving and will be there seven months conducting major criminal investigations. Her team is assisting Iraqi investigators with these cases, so they will eventually have the capability to run them on their own.
But as we head into the seventh year of conflict, it is highly unlikely that this independence will occur within the next week in time for Christmas. So, it's good to know men and women serving our country share at least a glimmer of Christmas spirit despite being so far from home. Technically, in the Middle East Laura's closer to the origin of Christmas than any of us. But if not for this simple symbolic event--a Christmas tree lighting she attended in a tent--I imagine she'd feel the farthest away from all that is "Christmas" to most of us. Please keep Laura and all brave service members in your thoughts and prayers this holiday season.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Did you know that in Japan we dial 119 for emergency services, rather than 911?
Hope this explains my lack of blogging lately!