Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sydney's Officially a Gymnast

Sydney recently started gymnastics--well a "free play" gymnastics class, that is. The "structured" class was a little too daunting since our independent (stubborn) girl doesn't like to follow class directions just yet.

For example, she only does a somersault after 6:30pm--and on the couch--not when instructed to do so on a floor mat. And she would only hang on this bar after I told her she'd look like a monkey. (She loves her animals!)

Despite these obstacles, Brian thinks she will be a natural, given her size. So, we found a better fit in this free-for-all toddler class. You can see she is thoroughly enjoying herself. I'm surprised the camera didn't capture a mere blur across the screen!


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

now how did I delete that? Diane, Brian she is so beautiful. I can not believe how big she is now. I truly enjoy the blog/pics/info EVERYTHING - thanks!!!

Anonymous said...

This is phase one of toning her little Norwood body in preparation for her true training to

When she is ninja she will be an efficient, silent, deadly, and terribly cute killing machine who can defend Mommy...Daddy...and the world...from evil!

You are wise, Norwoods, to put her down this path to greatness.

Be careful, though, many obstacles - such as this c-o-u-c-h you speak of - will stand in her way.

Yet I believe she will overcome them to be the greatnest ninja there has ever been.

Or ever will be.

(by the way, is calling someone a deadly killing maching redundant? Like when people say ATM machine. I think it is. I mean, if you are a deadly machine, the killing is implied. If you are a killing machine, can you be anything other than deadly? Somehow, though, the sentence works so much better as written. Eh, I digress.)

Brian said...

Dave.....I don't even know where to I won't.

Thanks for your onslaught of blog comments, they are always entertaining...and slightly disturbing!

Anonymous said...

I have always found that the beginning is the best place to begin.

By slightly disturbing I take it you mean wicked awesome.

Brian said...

Wicked frickin' awesome!!

It's good to hea' some Mass ja'gan. Now I just need ya to use less "ah's" in ya comments and I'll feel a little closa to home! How ya like them apples?! Go Sox!! The curse is dead!!

Anonymous said...

Hey now, just remember, I may live in Boston now but I am from New York, so... (this portion of the post has been entirely removed as the content is extremely and frighteningly explicit and does not conform to the rules and regulations set forth by Dr. Norwood and his good, clean, pure, wholesome family elsewhere on this blogsite)... your pepe. 'Nuff said.

Brian said...

Dave, you and Danielle may be from NY, but we both know you're closet Red Sox fans! Besides, the Yankees suck...and they just proved it! I hope Torre stays though. GO SOX!!

Anonymous said... foul...don't ever let New Jersey native Danielle hear you say she is from New York. Them be fighting words. Navy or not, that is a fight you will loose.

Sox Rule!

Brian said...

Oops I forgot, sorry Danielle. Still, she is a Yankee's fan from somewhere south of Boston. And the Yankees suck. That's all that really matters.

Go Big Papi!!!

Anonymous said...

Danielle hasn't been a Yankees fan for years...Sox fan all the way!

Ezra said...

You guys better start cheering louder, because they didn't do so great last night. They need some more fans. We're thinking about moving back so we can help out.

Anonymous said...

Dude...we are old and work too much. My cheering, towards the end of the game, mostly sounds like snoring. Perhaps you sould move back. Could always use some more cool folks in the Beantown area.