Wednesday, November 14, 2007

It's a Girl!

Miranda Jane finally arrived 4 days late on November 12th at 4:14 pm! (I guess she was waiting till her mom was one year older, since her birthday is one day after mine...)

She surprised everyone with her size: 9 lbs 2 oz., 20.5 inches long. (Think "sumo.")

We're home and doing well. Look at our photos in the gallery.


Ezra said...

Congrats guys! You all look like you are doing well. Sydney looks thrilled. And look at that hair, I don't even have that much hair. Hope you are all able to get some rest.

Anonymous said...

Mazel Tov!

She is beautiful.

Can't wait to meet her.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Two beautiful girls!

Cathe, Andrew, & Isabel