For everything else, there's Visa. (Although there's a 3% service charge when you use a credit card in Japan, but that's another blog entry.) Good thing you can charge in Japan, though, since
Any guesses as to how much one of these backpacks will set you back? (No, this is not another trivia contest because the photo gives away the answer...but only if you know the exchange rate. ha ha) Supposedly, the cost is economical since it is meant to be a durable backpack to last the entire 6 years of elementary school. But when I saw these bags at Toys R Us this week, I couldn't get past the sticker shock to think about it being an economical choice.
Grandparents typically buy this type of backpack for their grandchildren as a rite of passage of sorts. And what grandparent does not spoil their grandchildren? I would venture to say that the backpack above is leather for this price. These backpacks were 249,999 yen (about $215), but prices actually range anywhere from $100 for the cheapest imitation leather to about $500, (at which point I would be looking for a designer label on it.) I think maybe it's a Japanese conspiracy against grandparents. At least Sydney's grandparents can breathe a sigh of relief.
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