Have you ever wondered what it's like to drive on the left (some might say "wrong") side of the road? Wonder no more! Watch this video and all your questions will be answered! (It's short, but it always makes me laugh out loud. Probably because it is a seven-second glimpse of what our marriage is really like...)
Aren't you glad you asked for more videos?!
(In case it isn't obvious, no, this entry was definitely NOT Brian's idea.)
Ours also has 14 cup holders. Top that! It doesn't have room for 14 people but I guess you're supposed to have more than one drink at a time.
any car/minivan that comes with 14 cup holders better have a built in urinal.
D, I really don't see much difference between B's driving in the US vs. Japan.
Also you should save that video as evidence that B is abusive. How dare he tell you to shut up!
Oh no Curtis, he says "quit it" not "shut up." This video was taken last September when we'd only been here a short time...he wouldn't have lived to see a full year here had he told me to shut up. :)
I apoligize to B. It must have been a flash back to all the times B use to yell at me to shut up. Sorry B.
Just so you know, this was a video of me driving off-base for the FIRST time. So while I'm trying to concentrate on staying on the left side of the road while at the same time not hitting scooters and motorcycles that pass on both sides, Diane decided it would be a good time to take a video. So this really is a seven-second glimpse of what living with Diane is all about!
You're forgiven Curtis, I know you just need to vent all that pent up aggression sometimes.
Good luck with all those cup holders Ezra. Let me know if you ever have them all in use at one time. Now that might be a good time to take a video!
I am glad my motion for video has passed...I always appreciate documentation of my friends abusive relationships. My laughter is worth your pain and emotional damage. You too will soon need a car with 14 cup holders for the many cocktails required to get through your day...which will only make driving on the wrong side of the road more exciting and, well, funny.
Does Japan have DSS?
I think I can top the 14 cup holders...in the great country of JAPAN, we could have 14 open containers of beer (or any cocktails) legally. Just not the driver. Sorry Brian, but it appears I need those drinks more than you since I'm the one being abused for my sentimental documentation of such a momentous occasion.
But where are you going to put all those drinks so you don't spill them? I'm just trying to justify owning a mini-van. Actually I think the politically correct term is "sport utility van." Anyway, the cup holders will be tested soon, we leave on our road trip in a few days. I'll try to get some good cup holder pictures for you Bri.
I'm trying to picture a mini-van (sport utility van my ass) with 14 cans of Sapporo in the cup holders. Bunch of people having a good time. Brian in the front seat scolding everyone for being too loud. Diane taking videos, making B angrier.
Ah, good times, good times.
Dave you just described the trip to and from Atlantic City for B's bachelor party except Diane wasn't there.
Is that picture of B driving the Prairie Joy? It appears that it says "Camry" on the steering wheel.
Why would you drink Sapporo on a cross country drive?
Where did you find it in the South and Midwest?
For the record Diane and I do NOT have an abusive relationship. Anyone who knows us realizes we go together like bread and butter (although like white on rice would be a more fitting phrase since we live in Japan!). Any comments suggesting otherwise are only made in jest. There, that's my disclaimer!
Also, as editor-in-chief I'm going to have to set some ground rules.
1st I will have to ask you all (Dave) to refrain from using profanity on the blog in the future, otherwise we will be forced to block your comments. Although it appears that Dave, Curtis, and Ezra are the only ones who read the blog, there are in fact others who read and choose not to comment.....like our parents!
BTW - For those of you who read and don't comment we would love to hear from you, so don't let my abusive friends scare you away from making comments!
2nd I will have to ask you all (Curtis) to not mention bachelor parties in any context on the blog.
3rd Be careful of your entries regarding alcohol. Refer to #1 and it should become evident why. Especially since Dave, Curtis, and Ezra are DOCTORS, and I am a PEDIATRICIAN. Need I say more?!
Remember anything printed on the internet can and will probably be used against you (Curtis and Dave) in the future.
Also to set the record straight on this one Curtis and I never had any alcohol (let alone Sapporo) in our car when we travelled cross-country and back in his mom's Camry, nor would we have had any even if we had 14 cup holders. If we did it would have made it even more interesting when we were pulled over for speeding in Wisconsin!
Sorry to ruin everyones fun.
On a lighter note the picture IS of me driving the Prairie Joy and I never actually noticed the Camry steering wheel. Not sure how it got there, but you get what you pay for! Good pick up Curtis. Sorry we didn't have a prize for that one!
Actually...I (bread) believe C (knife) was right, Brian (butter). You were driving a Camry! The woman whom we bought our Prairie Joy from lent us her Camry before she was willing to part with the Prairie Joy, since she needed the bigger car to finish moving. I'd forgotten that till old eagle eye had to go and point it out...we're overdue for a new topic! Do these new ground rules mean I can't talk about beer machines after all?
Blog entries and comments regarding beer machines are of course both acceptable and encouraged.
Descriptions of individuals drinking heavily from a beer machine, drinking straight from a beer machine tap, vomiting on or near a beer machine, lewd behavior near a beer machine, or breaking a beer machine in a violent rage would not be at all acceptable for this blog.
Disclaimer: For the record I do not have any knowledge of any of these events ever taking place.
Thanks for asking me to clarify.....bread! :P
I feel I'm in the company of greatness to be included as one of the "doctors", no ones even called me dr yet. Thanks Bri. How many years has it been now? Oh well, no respect. You guys can have at the "real doctor" jokes whenever you like.
Your parents going to be around the first week of June? That's when the cup holders will make their way over to the old country. Your mom wanted me to call instead of drop by like the last time because your dad wasn't around. Plus, I don't even know where they moved to. I won't say anything bad about you. I really don't have anything bad to say. In fact if anyone else is reading this(patients families, Brian's boss, his parents, maybe the president). Brian is one of the best guys I know, and I've probably known him longer than most on here. He's very responsible and trustworthy. If he lived anywhere near me I would let him be my kids doctor, no I would insist. And he can grow a very nice beard! I was always envious. And no more mini-van jokes. You do what you gotta do. I'll have a porsche soon enough. Besides I'm going on a road trip, you remember what happened with Chevy Chase in vacation! And what was he driving.
I have no recollection of being "pulled over" Butter. If we had been "pulled over" it would have more likely occurred in a state like Wyoming. I think all this talk about adult beverages made you think of Wisconsin (Miller Brewing Company).
I think this blog took a downward turn once I started to participate. Since I'm heading down south for a week to hang out on the beach before starting fellowship and probably won't have internet access, we'll see if this blog can right itself and become respectable again.
Ezra we were always including you as a doctor. Especially when we all meet up and exchange greetings "Doctor, doctor, doctor, doctor, Pete".
I apologise for my use of profanity. My potty mouth is shameful. I shall not include Pepe, my donkey, in my postings anymore. He will be disappointed as he obviously enjoyed the attendtion, but it is not worth offending anyone.
So to the dish who is running away with the spoon, please don't forget to pack a lunch, a jacket and drive safely...you crazy kids.
As for knife's ever so suble stab at Pete (get it!)...You are my Dr. of Cool, Pete, so I shall be happy to call you doctor.
To those keeping track, that makes it "Doctor, doctor, doctor, doctor, and doctor."
And for anyone who for a fraction of a second thinks Brian drinks anywhere near excess if at all, drinks and drives, or abuses his family you have obviously never met these fine Norwoods and have no place reading this blog. We post because we love them. We joke around because we love them. And we miss them.
And yes, I'd totally let Brian be Pepe's doctor. I'm right with you, Dr. Ezra. Complete trust.
Now I have been awake all night long and need to sleep.
Wisconsin...Wyoming, how can I remember when all those northern states we drove through non-stop for 2 days all look the same! All I really remember on that part of the trip was open road, switching driving every 2 hours, the rancid smell of cow feces, some really cool thunderstorms, and of course the "state trooper" who grilled us separately about our "trip" from Las Vegas in your "mom's" car!
Thanks for all the support. I think I still might be able to run for President after all! You guys really are the best. My only question is, when are you coming to visit?
Curtis - have a nice vacation. Just remember you have all that "Pepe" to look forward to when you get back and start your GI fellowship!
Dr. Ezra PhD. - I'll give you a call this weekend about your trip.
Dave - remember when I asked you to send pictures if you bought a dog? Well, if you decided not to get a dog and "Pepe" is your new pet, please don't send any pictures!
BTW - I'll let Pete know he needs to check the blog more often since he was both ridiculed and praised on the same entry!
doctor, doctor, doctor, pete... how could i forget...
Mini-vans and open containers do remind me a lot of Dr. B's bachelor party...
Way to go Pete, you just broke 2 rules! Why didn't you just use some profanity in your comment and break all 3?! You sure have come a long way from your Eagle Scout days!
If you didn't mean to break the rules because you skimmed through the comments, please go back and read the 13th comment. If you did mean to...well then shame on you! I may have to have a little talk with Mamma Whelan.
i knew I was breaking the rules. just feeling a little naughty I guess. Dr. Dave and Dr. Curtis always brought that out in me.
I know this threat should die but I just can't help myself....
Pete, how could you bring me down after I defended you and gave you a doctorate? I am hurt.
And no more rule breaking.
So hey, I just heard a great joke.
I once knew a girl from Nantucket....I'll tell you the rest later.
Just to elicit sympathy from the Norwood's friends not just on behalf of the Norwoods but all of us gaijin drivers in Japan, it's really, really hard to drive on the other side of the car and the road. I don't think any of us ever had the opportunity to practice driving on the other side of the road let alone the other side of the car before our driving test. So when we take the driving test, most likely it's with a very anxious Japanese driving instructor who I can tell chain smokes so much, he doesn't eat any food throughout the day, only drinking caffinated beverages or coffee in a can. We are placed in a Japanese car, and although the accelerator and brake are where they are supposed to be, the turn signal and wipers are not. Mind you, none of us have ever been in a this vehicle before and then we are told to pull out of the lot and drive on the left side of the road. I must admit, I still find myself saying, "left, left, left" to keep myself correct and I will occasionally turn my wipers on when I'm trying to make a turn, usually outside of the the security gate so all the pedestrians can see my faux pas! Whew! Glad I got that off my chest!
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