Sunday, May 31, 2009

Back in the USA

We were welcomed home by my parents and my sister, who greeted us at the Norfolk airport with open arms. Well, actually, they were talking amongst themselves and hardly noticed us walk up to them, since they thought our plane was coming in an hour later than it did. (Wish I had a photo of that!) But once we woke up the welcoming committee, we felt very welcome indeed.

We couldn't have managed our two girls, 4 carry-ons, 7 checked bags, 2 carseats, 1 double stroller, and most importantly the dog-filled crate without their support and in particular, their two cars! (Especially given the sleep deprivation.) But we definitely made room for the two red, white, and blue life-size "Raggedies," a patriotic welcome home gift from Nana!

We are thankful to be back in the USA, closer to our families, even if only for two years!

1 comment:

Peevish said...

Love that fancy-schmancy headline, kiddo.