Wednesday, May 20, 2009


For our last outing ever in Japan, Sydney, Miranda and I went to Soleil No Oka (French for "sunny hill") with Sydney's good friends Sydney W., Aaralyn, and Jocelyn. There is a Japanese fascination with all things French--from fashion to pastries--so I assume that's why this Provincial theme park is in Japan. It's not far from where we live in Yokosuka, and it may be the closest adventure to our house we've taken. But surprisingly, it is a little known spot, which is the only reason we haven't gone there sooner.

There is no admission to the park and there's a great big playground near the entrance (even if it's very dusty/muddy). Then there are activities that each have small fees. You can ride a few rides, feed the goats, or go in the wading pool (although we didn't). Of course there are restaurants, and even cooking and art classes for older kids.

It was a great way to spend time with all three of Sydney's best girlfriends in Japan (and bonus, two little sisters Miranda's age, Julia and Keeley!) I've known all along how great it was for me to find such good friends immediately in Japan. And once Sydney was old enough to begin making her own first friends, it was wonderful to see her make fun, valuable connections. But especially through these three girls and their mothers, I've come to appreciate how blessed Sydney and I both were to find such great friends together. While the girls have shared, laughed, fought, and cried, we moms have laughed, refereed, commiserated, and lended support to each other and I know we'll do our best to keep in touch.

1 comment:

Peevish said...

This made me all sniffy. I have to go found a kleenex now.